Does Paperbell offer a free plan or free trial?
Our free preview accounts include all functionality so that you can see exactly what Paperbell is like, no credit card required. You’ll have 7 days with full functionality. After that, your Paperbell site will be disabled until you choose a paid plan.
Here’s the sign-up link for a free account.
Will I automatically be charged after the 7 days?
No. Paperbell does not collect any payment information from you as a part of the free trial, so we can only charge you when you proactively choose to sign up for a paid account and enter your credit card details.
Does the free 7 days include all features?
Almost! Free plans do not allow you to send messages or SMS notifications to your clients. Everything else is included.
How much does Paperbell cost?
Find all the pricing details here.
What happens after the 7 days are up?
After your 7-day preview ends, your Paperbell site will no longer be live. However, you’ll still have full access to your Paperbell account to create packages, tweak your site, and get set up.
This allows you to spend as much time as you like getting set up with no time pressure. Once you’re ready to launch your site to the world, simply go the “plan” section in your account and choose a paid plan.