Shop Logo
Add your logo by clicking into your Shop editor and then the Branding tab.
- Your logo should be a horizontal image, sized to 150 px wide x 40 px high
- Use our Canva template to make sure you’ve got the right size
- Save as a PNG file
Your logo will appear on your shop page, at the top of your package landing pages, on your booking calendar page, and the checkout screen.
Shop Main Image
The main image sits at top of your shop, alongside a description of your business and your About section.
Add your main image (or video!) by clicking into your Shop, then the Branding tab.
Choose whether you’ll add a video or image in the Header Type menu.
For the best looking main image:
- Resize it to 800px wide x 450 px high
- Save it as a PNG file
- Use our Canva template
Don’t forget to take a peek at how your image looks in the mobile version of your shop!
Shop Profile Pic
Your profile pic will show up next to your About Me description on your shop landing page.
To edit it, click into the Profile tab:
To get the best results for your profile pic:
- Size it to a square 250px wide x 250px high
- Use our template in Canva
- Save as a PNG
Package Cover Image
First, go to your Packages page and select the package you want to modify. Click the Landing page tab and make sure you’re in the Overview tab.
Your cover image will show up above your package description on the landing page, and in the shop above your brief package description.
To get the best results for your cover images:
- Size to 800px wide x 450px high
- Use our template in Canva
- Save as PNGs instead of JPGs
You cannot resize images in Paperbell, so make sure they’re sized correctly before you upload. It’s easy to bulk resize using this free tool.
Package Description Images
You can add additional images to both the short and long package descriptions.
To get the best results for your package description images:
- Size to 800px wide x 450px high
- Use our template in Canva
- Save as PNGs instead of JPGs
You cannot resize images in Paperbell, so make sure they’re sized correctly before you upload. It’s easy to bulk resize using this free tool.
Embedded YouTube Videos
Short description
You can add a video to your short description of this package (it shows up in your shop overview). Click into the Landing page of your package, Overview tab, and then Short description.
Click the pencil icon to edit. In the box that pops up, click that video icon and add your YouTube link.
Long description
If you have a video that conveys something special about your package, embed it directly in your package description.
Canva image templates
Skip resizing headaches & use our templates!
Can I see an example of a shop with beautiful images?
We’ve got an example shop for you right here. It’s a beaut!
(Psst — if you love how your shop turned out and would like to share it, feel free to send us a note and we’ll feature it here for inspiration.)
keywords: pictures, images, photos, examples, resize, YouTube, videos