Online Visibility: The No-Nonsense Guide for Coaches

online visibility

With the internet being so vast, it’s not just enough to be a fantastic life coach – you also need to shine online! 

But how do you get there? Two words: Online visibility. 

Without online visibility, your coaching business might as well be invisible. And that’s not going to help anyone – least of all your potential clients who are eagerly searching for someone just like you.

Learn more about how to build your online visibility by reading this post! Keep reading to find out:

  • What online visibility is
  • What the benefits of online visibility are
  • How to increase online visibility

What Is Online Visibility?

One thing that can truly make or break your chances of success is your online visibility.

Think about it – when someone searches for a “life coach,” if you’re not showing up in those search engine results, you might be missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with potential clients actively looking for services like yours!

In short:

If no one knows you exist, you’ll always have to search for your next coaching client proactively… instead of having potential clients come to you.

Online visibility isn’t just about having an active coaching website (although that’s important, too). It goes well beyond that to include aspects such as social media pages, search rankings, and more. 

The more you boost online visibility, the greater your chances of attracting new clients passively.

In terms of numbers, 1.5 million people are searching for life coaches, business coaches, and executive coaches every single month in the US alone.

While there are also several coaches available… you also don’t need all 1.5 million searchers to find you. Just a few is enough to get the ball rolling for your business.

What Are the Benefits of Online Visibility?

Here’s why online visibility is such a big deal for coaches, no matter which niche you’re in.

1. Reach more potential clients

A strong online presence helps you reach potential clients worldwide, expanding your market scope beyond geographical limitations.

Statista data reveals an astounding 5.18 billion active internet users worldwide as of April 2023 – a vast pool from which you can draw potential coaching clients.

The more platforms you decide to appear on, the bigger the slice of “people” you’ll be able to reach!

2. Building credibility and trust

Your strong online presence serves as your virtual storefront where showcasing testimonials, credentials, or success stories contributes to building trust among prospective clients.

Research shows that in 2022 alone, around 76% of consumers read reviews about local businesses on web platforms. This shows just how much positive feedback can influence the way people spend their money!

But reviews aren’t the only reason you should be improving online visibility. Even without any testimonials, your online presence will help potential clients get a feel for who you are.

You can prove you’re a real person with real credentials.

And if you’re generating social media content, you can help your potential clients figure out if they feel like they’ll vibe with your personality!

3. Networking opportunities leading to growth

Besides client outreach possibilities, being visible digitally also opens doors for you in terms of networking opportunities with industry peers. 

For example, let’s say you appear as a guest on someone’s podcast. Not only will you become visible to the people who listen to this podcast… You’ll also connect with the host!

In turn, this host may know other people who either need a coach like you or who also need a podcast guest. 

In short, every remote podcast appearance is yet another opportunity to build your network and connect with even more people.

How to Improve Online Visibility For Coaches

Being more visible sure sounds great (if not daunting). How do you create online visibility for your coaching business? Here are some strategies you can apply.

1. Create a website

Your website is your digital storefront as a coach. So if you don’t have one yet, I suggest you go create one right now!

Potential clients can gain an understanding of your identity and the services you provide by viewing a well-crafted, easy-to-use website.

 A professionally designed, user-friendly website can leave a positive brand perception that will impact future clients. Another high-impact strategy to improve your conversion rates is knowing what to focus on when creating a landing page.

For example, below is a website for coach Javonna May Bass:

online visibility

I like that we immediately see her face when we land on this website. But it also calls out her dream client with the headline:

“Tired of feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and exhausted?”

There’s also a call to action below this initial text so potential visitors know what to do next.

Don’t want to build a website from scratch by yourself? You can also launch your own online coaching store for free using Paperbell!

2. Optimize content for search engines (SEO)

To be discovered by those looking for life coaching services on search engines like Google, try to optimize your content using SEO techniques such as keyword placement within site content and meta descriptions. 

You can also start posting regular blog content while optimizing for specific search terms.

Here’s an entire post about how to create your own coaching blog!

3. Leverage social media platforms

Another channel through which you can increase online visibility, of course, is social media platforms. For example, you can create a profile and build a following on:

Just avoid trying all of these at once. Start with the one that makes the most sense for you, and once you’ve mastered it, you can expand to others! 

4. Paid ad campaigns

Building an online presence takes time. 

However, if you’re short on time but have some budget, you can try out paid ad campaigns on any social media platform.

Facebook advertising is one of the easiest ways to get started. It has no minimum spending (you can spend as little as $1 a day on an ad if you want), and it’s not as complicated as other platforms like Google and Youtube.

If you’re not sure what to do first, I suggest creating a lead magnet and running ads to promote it so that you can grow your email list! Then, you can keep in touch with that list by starting a coaching newsletter.

Here’s an example of a Facebook ad for a lead magnet from a coach:

online visibility

5. Use PR to your advantage

Appearing on other people’s podcasts is a great way to expand your online reach. But there are other PR opportunities you can leverage, too!

For example, you can do a guest post on someone else’s blog or online publication. Finding opportunities is as easy as typing “your niche + write for us” on Google.

For instance, if I wanted to showcase my expertise in email marketing to find more clients in this niche, here’s what I’d search on Google:

online visibility

Expand Your Coaching Business by Growing Your Online Visibility

Now that you know how online visibility can significantly impact your coaching career, what’s your next move?

Are you about to go from “best kept secret” to online superstar?

You’ve got the skills, the passion, and now the knowledge from what you’ve just read. Now it’s up to you to take the next steps.

Want to save time in your business to keep expanding your online reach? Start running your coaching business more smoothly by grabbing a free Paperbell account. 

online visibility

By Charlene Boutin
Charlene is an email marketing and content strategy coach for small business owners and freelancers. Over the past 5 years, she has helped and coached 50+ small business owners to increase their traffic with blog content and grow their email subscribers.
August 11, 2023

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