Real Coach Reviews: Christine Hassler’s Unleashed by Evercoach

Wow. I was blown away by the quality of Christine Hassler’s Unleashed Transformational Life Coaching program by Mindvalley!

Overall, the thing that stuck out to me the most was something listed on the lead page: “The key is the quality, not the quantity, of training and practice.” 

I have done years and years and years of higher education, including a master’s degree in healthcare, business coaching, and yoga teacher training. Of all the learning I have done in my life, this program was hands down the most concise, valuable, and practical. The variety of educational video modules, written journal and notes, case studies, practical tools, and action steps was a multifaceted approach that I could implement immediately!

Real Coach Reviews: Christine Hassler’s Unleashed by Evercoach

The Ideal Program for Any Coach Post-2020

I am a critical care nurse practitioner and a yoga/mindset/burnout coach for health care healers. I was drawn to this program because over the last year I have found that my health care healer clients NEED more one-on-one experiences. 

Yoga and mindset are the tools I have been trained in, but more and more, I was finding myself in the position of personal life coach and mentor. 

Health care healers have been through the wringer this past year, and I knew that if I want to serve them in the highest and most authentic way, I needed to get more training in transformational one-on-one coaching. The Unleashed program could not have come at a better time for me! 

An Organized Course Layout That’s Immediately Actionable

The eight modules were nicely organized to go through at my own pace. The program started with some foundations of coaching practice, then moved on to working with emotions, mental work, mindset, spiritual work, behavior change, and relationship work. It ended with ways to create new clients

I went through the content over about five to six weeks. I fully intend on going back through the program, to take even more notes and to go over the specific coaching tools, as I need them for clients

After the first time through the content, I was able to IMMEDIATELY apply the coaching tools (release writing, the surfing method, and reframing) during my current group calls. My clients LOVED them! 

Elevated Confidence for Both Clients and Coaches

The description of the practice of release writing was so simple but so important for releasing old emotions that are not serving us. 

I taught my group clients this practice immediately and have received such great feedback, especially from my nurses. I helped them create a ritual and release practice for all of the confusion, uncertainty, fear, exhaustion, anger, depletion, and sadness that this year has brought. 

Many of them told me that they had difficulty explaining exactly how they felt about this year but that the freewriting had a clarifying and healing effect. 

The things I learned during this program gave me the confidence to start offering more one-on-one coaching. I have already had two group clients ask me about private coaching, and I’m not even launching that until next month! 

I cannot wait to teach these practices to my clients and to use the information I have learned to become a better listener, a better coach, and to support my clients in their personal transformations.

Complex Information Made Simple

Some of the content might seem simple for more advanced coaches, but for someone JUST starting out, I appreciated how Christine broke down exactly what we should have in place BEFORE we start signing clients

Things like contracts, payment policies, cancellation policies, (by the way, you can set all this up in Paperbell) and ongoing communication boundaries are exactly what I needed to get in place before filling up my client roster. For more advanced coaches, I can absolutely see the value in revisiting the foundations of a strong coaching practice.

The level of professionalism offered in this course was very appealing. It was organized, engaging, and provided a thorough, multi-media approach. 

The quality of the “quest journal” was impressive and made the content so much easier to digest. I recommend printing it out to follow along. I had started out taking incessant notes and was relieved to know there was this follow-along journal included!

Clarifying the Coach’s Role Through Positive Communication

As a newer coach, it was very helpful how Christine explained the difference between the therapy model and the coaching model. 

Learning that it was acceptable to share a bit about my own story and what I have learned along the way was eye-opening. Since my background is in health care, I had always been taught to keep my personal life to myself. 

Seeing that coaching is really more of a practice of being a helpful, authentic human and a facilitator of change, I can now see the value in sharing small parts of my personal experience with my clients, when appropriate.

The way Christine explained exactly HOW we can keep ourselves energetically “clear” for our clients was priceless. Recognizing that once we enter into caregiver or savior mode we are setting ourselves up for burnout was new, crucial information for me! This is something that comes up with my clients all the time. 

Not only was that helpful for me to know as a coach, but it was also helpful to pass that information and “clearing” practice along to my clients, to use in their own healing practices.

I loved Christine’s advice to “Stay really present, and listen without any of your own opinions.” While it seems self-explanatory, I had never heard how important it was to NOT form opinions of our clients’ choices and actions. She gave such helpful, concrete tools for us to use in our coaching practice. 

I liked that even early in the modules she was already giving us details on exactly what to say when a client says “I can’t…,” “It’s hard to…,” and “I don’t know.” That is a level of detail I have NOT seen in other coaching education programs. This is also an example of how it’s not the QUANTITY of hours and training programs but the QUALITY of the program that matters most. 

High-Quality, Proven Coaching Tools

It felt like all of this information had been tested and refined. It felt like I was getting the absolute BEST information, not just a TON of information. It boosted my confidence and taught me that I DO know how to support my clients in their life transformations.

I cannot wait to start using the storyline technique with my clients! It was so simple but sooo powerful! I actually can’t wait to try this out on myself. I’ve always wanted a super clear way to explain to people how and why we can change our beliefs. This practice was perfect for that. I think the visual of the timeline will help clients understand the cause and effect of our thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

Having case studies and real-life coaching sessions sprinkled throughout the program was a great way to make sure the information settled nicely into my brain. 

I loved that Christine focused on just a couple of high-quality, proven coaching tools, instead of a million different ones, so we could be certain we understood how and when to apply them.

Proven Success Through Real-Life Examples

It was very helpful to see Christine use some of the tools she taught us earlier in the program, during a real session. 

After each sample coaching session, there was a video in which Christine broke down how and why she took each step. This kind of debriefing was such a great way to learn. It helped me understand the rationale for each intervention, so I can apply that same concept when it comes up with my own clients.

It was so helpful to see Christine coach a variety of different kinds of people with a variety of issues.

In one of the real-life coaching sessions, Christine helped a new mom work on her concept of purpose. The way she led the client to her own newfound knowledge about what “purpose” meant to her was so powerful! 

It was a great example of how, in coaching, we are not there to do the work for them but to create a container in which the client can do their own healing and transformational work. 

One of the most important reminders in this program, was to be congruent in our beliefs about our clients’ ability to change. It was a reminder that we can let them borrow our beliefs, until they have developed their own belief in themselves. 

It was helpful to see how Christine role-played a conversation between her client and her client’s dad, instead of just telling the client to have the conversation. I’m certain it was very impactful that the client was able to walk away with a rough draft of how to have that conversation with her dad AND had already primed her nervous system to handle the intensity and emotion of that conversation.

Taking the Next Step (at Your Own Pace)

In terms of features, I loved that I was able to listen to the content at a 1.5-2x pace when desired. This was especially helpful because after going through the content once, I went back and re-listened to many parts again to let it sink in – especially the real-life coaching sessions.

I loved the tip of asking the client to recap their biggest takeaway at the end of the session and to review any homework you’ve recommended. I have already started implementing that in my own practice! It helps to clarify that the client did in fact learn something about themself and they know what a great next step might be for them.

Thinking About Enrolling in Unleashed?

Real Coach Reviews: Christine Hassler’s Unleashed by Evercoach

I loved how organized, concise, and helpful Christine’s program was. I feel like I’m completely ready to apply this info to a one-on-one client session, and I can already tell this course has been helping me with my group clients

The tools and resources she offers in the Unleashed program are AMAZING! I highly recommend it!

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By Charlene Boutin
Charlene is an email marketing and content strategy coach for small business owners and freelancers. Over the past 5 years, she has helped and coached 50+ small business owners to increase their traffic with blog content and grow their email subscribers.
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