How To Overcome Camera Shyness as a Coach

camera shyness

Are you struggling with camera shyness and looking for ways to overcome it? You’re not alone. 

Many professionals, including those in the coaching field, feel uneasy or apprehensive when they need to appear on camera.

It’s worth noting that in today’s digital world, camera shyness may hinder your success — especially if you coach your clients online!

We all know that it’s crucial to grow your business and personal branding through public speaking and video content in addition to your private coaching sessions.

And that requires you to speak comfortably in front of the camera.

But if you don’t know how to be comfortable on camera, don’t fear!

Fortunately, there are proven strategies that can help you conquer this fear and become more confident.

So today, we will explore the following to help you with this dilemma:

  • What is Camera Shyness?
  • How to Overcome Camera Shyness
  • Tips for Being on Camera

What is Camera Shyness?

Camera shyness, or being camera shy, is the discomfort and self-consciousness experienced when appearing on camera.

Some also experience performance anxiety or the fear of being on camera or in front of an audience. It causes symptoms like sweating, shaking, and stuttering, which can make it difficult to perform well.

For coaches, it can be a big challenge to create video content, conduct online coaching sessions, or participate in public speaking events. 

The fear of being judged or criticized by others while on camera can lead you and some individuals to avoid these opportunities altogether.

The downside is it could negatively impact your business growth.

Factors Behind Camera Shyness

Here are several factors that affect comfort on camera:

  • Fear of Judgment: Many people worry about how they will look and sound on screen. They may feel insecure about their appearance, voice tone, or body language.
  • Mirror Image Effect: When we see ourselves in a mirror (or through our webcam), we’re viewing a reversed version of our face. This unfamiliarity can make us uncomfortable with our own reflection and increase feelings of self-consciousness.
  • Lack of Control: Being recorded means relinquishing control over how you’re perceived by others; once your image is captured on film (or digitally), it’s out there for anyone to view at any time.
  • Past Experiences: Negative experiences in public speaking or being filmed can lead to anxiety around future camera-related situations.

Benefits of Being Confident on Camera 

With video platforms like TikTok and virtual meetings taking over the coaching industry, appearing on camera is increasingly important for coaches.

For example, consider the impact of hosting a webinar about your coaching niche. 

You can draw in new clients who identify with your message and set up yourself as a specialist in your field. 

However, if you’re too camera-shy to host such an event, you may miss out on these benefits!

To succeed in your coaching career, you need to overcome camera shyness to achieve these benefits:

  • Allows you to connect with clients more effectively
  • Helps build your personal brand through video marketing
  • Reaches a wider audience by participating in online events or live-streaming sessions such as virtual summits

How to Overcome Camera Shyness

It’s hard to get over camera shyness — we get it!

But it could be your way of connecting with potential clients and showing off your personality.

With practice and the right mindset, you can conquer your camera shyness and confidently present yourself on screen! 

Here’s how to get comfortable on camera.

camera shyness

1. Build camera confidence

Growing more comfortable with appearing on camera will make it less intimidating.

Start by recording short videos of yourself talking about various topics related to coaching or personal experiences. 

Review these recordings and identify areas for improvement – your posture, tone of voice, or facial expressions.

2. Embrace imperfections

Acknowledge that mistakes are normal.

Nobody is perfect – even seasoned public speakers and expert coaches make mistakes occasionally. 

So, don’t allow those mistakes to discourage you from continuing your journey toward overcoming camera shyness!

3. Focus on your message

Remember: as a life coach, people want to hear what you have to say.

Instead of fixating on your appearance or voice, concentrate on delivering valuable information to your audience.

Master public speaking skills

Be an effective communicator to engage the audience with your video content by mastering public speaking techniques such as: 

  • Maintaining eye contact (or looking at the lens)
  • Using appropriate body language
  • Modulating vocal tones effectively

Mirror image technique

A helpful exercise involves practicing speeches while standing in front of a mirror. 

This allows you to observe your body language and facial expressions, making adjustments as needed.

4. Create a comfortable environment

Set up your recording space in a way that makes you feel at ease. 

You can do this by: 

  • Adding personal touches like family photos or inspirational quotes on the walls 
  • Adjusting lighting levels to create an ambiance that suits your style.

5. Prepare and rehearse

Speak confidently without relying on constant notes or prompts by taking the time to familiarize yourself with the content you’ll be discussing. 

Rehearsing will also help reduce anxiety associated with being on camera.

Creating coaching packages

Do you want to keep things organized but also provide structure for you and your client?

Create coaching packages that outline specific topics and talking points for seamless delivery during your live video sessions.

Bonus tip: Breathe

Always remember to take deep breaths before hitting the record. 

Taking slow, controlled breaths helps calm nerves while ensuring clear vocal delivery throughout the session.

Incorporating these tips into your routine will undoubtedly help overcome camera shyness over time.

Take note of this: practice is key. 

So grab that smartphone or webcam and start honing those skills today!

Tips for Being on Camera

Having confidence and poise in front of the camera is key to building trust with clients.

Here’s how to get comfortable recording yourself and overcome Zoom anxiety.

1. Practice makes perfect

The more time you spend in front of the camera, the easier it will become. 

  • Start practicing alone or with a friend who can provide feedback 
  • Record yourself giving a short presentation 
  • Answer common questions from clients to get used to speaking while looking into the lens

2. Connect with your audience

When you’re on camera, your primary goal is to connect with your viewers. 

Think of your audience as if you were engaging in a dialogue with them instead of simply delivering a monologue.

3. Dress comfortably but professionally

Your appearance matters when making videos or hosting virtual meetings.

After all, first impressions count!

Choose professional and comfortable clothing representing your brand to ensure you can deliver valuable content without the distraction of adjusting ill-fitting garments.

4. Set up proper lighting and background

Creating clear visuals for viewers during coaching sessions requires a well-lit space. 

Ensure sufficient lighting from behind the camera, avoiding direct light that causes glare while illuminating both sides evenly.

Additionally, choose a clean and uncluttered background to minimize distractions.

5. Be authentic

Lastly, always be true to yourself when appearing on camera, as clients are drawn to authenticity. 

Embrace who you are as a life coach and let that shine through in every interaction.

Doing so will ultimately resonate with potential clients looking for someone they can trust and connect with genuinely.

Incorporating these tips into your routine may take some time, but continuous practice will hone your skills in the long run.  

The more comfortable you become in front of the camera, the better equipped you’ll be. 


Why am I so shy about cameras?

Camera shyness often stems from:

  • Fear of being judged 
  • Self-consciousness about one’s appearance
  • Anxiety related to performance
  • Past negative experiences with photos or videos

Building confidence and practicing on-camera skills can help overcome this shyness.

Is it OK to be camera-shy?

It is perfectly normal to feel camera-shy or have a fear of video calls!

Many people experience some level of discomfort when faced with a lens. It can range from light camera anxiety to an outright camera phobia.

However, if it negatively impacts your personal or professional life, it may be beneficial to overcome these feelings through practice and self-reflection.

What percentage of people are camera-shy?

Determining an exact percentage of camera-shy individuals is challenging due to the wide variation in individual experiences. 

For example, Dove performed a study to see specifically how Indian women felt about being in front of the camera. Turns out, 69% of them feel self-conscious!

However, it is estimated that a significant portion of the population experiences some level of discomfort when in front of the camera.

Conquer Camera Shyness to Become a Successful Life Coach

So, are you ready to take your coaching career to the next level by shining with confidence?

If you want your coaching business to become successful in this digital era, conquering your fear of cameras is one step towards reaching it.

Many individuals struggle with the apprehension of being on camera, but with the right mindset and preparation, anyone can overcome this fear and feel confident in front of the lens.

By applying the strategies mentioned above, you can vanquish your camera shyness forever!

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camera shyness
By Charlene Boutin
Charlene is an email marketing and content strategy coach for small business owners and freelancers. Over the past 5 years, she has helped and coached 50+ small business owners to increase their traffic with blog content and grow their email subscribers.
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