Demo Video Want to watch a video overview of Paperbell? No need to talk to Sales Stu, here it is on-demand! (Don’t...
Account Settings The keys to the castle! Your account settings live here. Find account settings such as your name, email address, profile...
All About Your Shop Website Your Paperbell shop website is the shareable home to all of your active packages. (It does not include any packages you’ve marked...
Appointments This page shows you a list of your upcoming and past appointments, and allows you to modify existing appointments. Click...
Availability Add Your Availability To Paperbell Use the availability section to tell Paperbell when you’re available to meet with clients. You...
Automated Emails Automated emails are set up in advance and then automatically sent to your clients, based on certain triggers. You can...
Automated Email Templates No clue what to put in your automated emails? Just copy and paste our templates below. We recommend signing them...
Calendar Integration: Google, Outlook, Apple You will sync up your Google, Outlook, or Apple iCloud calendar to your Paperbell account: Paperbell adjusts your availability for...
Clients This section shows you a history of all clients. Click on an individual client to see a more detailed history...
Contracts Watch the video below for an overview of creating and using contracts in Paperbell. Here’s a template you can use...
Coupon Codes First let’s talk about why you’d want to use coupon codes: The most obvious reason is to have a promotion...
Gift a Package To give a client a package for free (you generous soul!), first click on your Clients tab. Click on the...
Group Coaching Sessions Group coaching is when more than one client is invited to the same appointment; you could also think of it...
Landing Pages Paperbell automatically creates a custom landing page for each coaching package. You can link to this page to educate your...
Message Your Clients Looking to send an individual email to one particular client? Here’s how! In the Message Logs for a client, you...
Packages Packages are the offerings that you sell to your clients. Your packages can consist of: You’ll send clients to your...
Package or Appointment Expiration Have you ever had a client who pays for a session with you . . . but never actually schedules...
Payment Plans A payment plan allows your client to make multiple payments over time instead of just one payment up front. You...
Set Up Fees Set up fees (or set-up fees, or setup fees, or deposits) are used when you’d like to add an additional...
Share Files, Content, or Build an Online Course In Paperbell, online courses live within packages. A package can include online material only, or you can deliver it alongside...
Share Video Content Here’s how to share video content inside your Paperbell packages: FAQs Can I link from platforms other than YouTube, Vimeo...
Surveys / Questionnaires / Intake Forms Call it what you will, Paperbell’s got it! Surveys are tied to packages, and multiple surveys can be part of...
Embed Paperbell Scheduling Calendars into Your Website Paperbell calendars can be embedded into any type of website. See an example of an embedded calendar right here. Scroll...
Send Clients to a Custom “Thank You” Page After Purchase Paperbell’s “Enable Thank You Page” option lets you send clients to any URL after they complete the checkout process. This...
ICF (International Coaching Federation) Client Coaching Log Need to generate a client coaching log for your International Coaching Federation ACC, MCC or PCC application? Paperbell has got...