Packages are the offerings that you sell to your clients. Your packages can consist of:
- One-on-one appointments
- Group appointments or live online classes
- Digital downloads
- Or any combination of the above!
You’ll send clients to your Paperbell package landing or booking page in order for them to schedule and purchase (or not purchase, in the case of free packages).
To create a package, click the Packages tab at the top of the home page, and then click the button that says Create New.
Click on a package to edit it or see more detail, including how much revenue it has generated.
Here’s an overview of all the sections on your package:
At the top of this section you can see the total number of clients and total revenue generated since you signed up for Paperbell.
The public name of your package. This will be visible to your client in several places.
“Active” means the package is buyable and appears on your shop page.
“Invite only” means the package is live and purchasable, but will not be listed on your shop page.
“Paused” means the package is currently unavailable.
Checkout Flow
Your checkout flow refers to what a client will see first during their checkout experience – scheduling or purchase. Generally we recommend a “book appointment first” checkout flow which allows the client to check if your availability works for them before purchasing.
Some coaches prefer to hide their availability until the purchase has been made. If this is you, choose the “Purchase -> Book appointment” flow. Note that this option means you cannot add a custom Thank You page URL.
Purchase limit
Use this option when you’d like to limit the number of times a package can be purchased. For example, if you create a group coaching program that you’d like to limit to no more than 8 clients, change this to 8.
Expiry date
Expiry dates make packages unavailable for purchase after a certain date or time. Use this when you want to automatically close an offering at a certain deadline.
Appointment Details
Appointments are one-on-one sessions with your client. The number of appointments you set here is the number of appointments clients will be able to book with you. So if you’d like to sell a multi-session package, set more than one appointment.
You’ll also set the length of sessions here. You can mix these up, if you want to offer sessions of different lengths within the package.
📣Important! When you have appointments of different lengths in a package, clients will book them in the order they’re listed in your package.
So if you have a package with appointments listed like this:
- ​2 x 90 min
- ​3 x 60 min
​The client will book the two 90 min sessions first; and then they’ll be able to book the 60 min sessions.
​You can break them up when you list them, if you want to bookend with longer sessions, for example. That could look like this:
- ​1 x 90 min
- ​3 x 60 min
- ​1 x 90 min
Your client will book that intro 90 session, and then the three 60 min sessions; then they’ll be able to book the final 90 min wrap-up session.
Clients will schedule their appointments based on your availability in Paperbell.
If you’d like to sell a package in Paperbell that contains no appointments, make sure appointments are disabled.
Thank You URL
This option allows you to send your clients to any page on the web after their purchase. This is particularly useful for adding outside tracking codes to the Paperbell experience, such as a Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics Tag. Read about this option in-depth here.
Paperbell offers three ways for you to bill your clients:
One Time Payment
- This will charge one flat fee at the time of purchase with no future payments. You can use this to sell one session or to sell a package of sessions paid for upfront
Monthly Subscription (Stripe only)
- This is for ongoing subscriptions or “sessions per month” packages. In this billing type you choose how many sessions to grant your clients per month, and clients are automatically billed every month indefinitely until they cancel their subscription within Paperbell. This is for all recurring payments.
Payment Plan (Stripe only)
- Choose this option to break your total price up into multiple payments. Unlike monthly subscriptions, only a set amount of payments will be charged. If you want to give clients a set amount of sessions and allow them to pay over a set amount of time, use this option. This is also referred to as an installment plan, or using a deposit. You can choose from the following payment frequencies: weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, every 2 months, every 3 months.
Add Prices
You can add multiple prices to the same package in order to create payment options such as a pay-in-full discount, or extended payment terms. Read more about multiple prices here.
You can also create an additional set up fee that will be added to the initial purchase.
Use coupon codes to offer a percentage discount to your clients. Or create a 100%-off coupon as a way to grant access for free.
Landing Page
This is where you tell the world about your offering! You can also include images by clicking on the little paperclip icon when you’re editing your text. Check out this blog post for advice about what to write on your Paperbell landing pages.
The three parts of the landing page are:
Teaser overview for shop page
This is the copy that appears on your shop page, the page where all of your packages live.
Full description
This is the main “body copy” that will go on your landing page. Some ideas for this section:
- The goal of this package
- The outcomes your client can expect from working together
- Your bio
- Case studies of other clients
- Your unique philosophy
- Add images and embed YouTube videos
This package includes
This content shows up on the right sidebar of your page above the “Book Now” button. We suggest using this space for a quick “hit list” of exactly what your client is buying, but you can put whatever you want here! Paperbell automatically inserts the number and length of appointments, which you can leave in, edit, or delete.
Group Sessions
If you’d like to add group coaching sessions or live online classes to your package, you’ll need to create a group session. Here’s more detailed information.
You can add questions that will be shown to your client upon purchase (before they reach the scheduling page). Add as many questions as you like, and the answers will appear on your individual client profile pages. Note that survey questions are package-specific: they only appear for clients of the package you’re currently editing.
When you add a contract, your clients will be required to sign before they can complete their purchase. Paperbell inserts a signatures page at the end of your contract that your client signs electronically. Learn more about how it works here.
Paperbell can send customised email reminders based on certain triggers:
- Appointment
- Group Session
- Purchase
- Reminder To Book
- Final Appointment
Click “Add automated email” to create an email and “Modify” to customize existing emails. You can create an unlimited amount of emails for each package.
Note that emails are package-specific: they only apply to clients of the package you’re currently editing.
Here’s our in-depth walk-through of automated emails and how to use them.
Need more advice on what to say in the emails? Check out this article.
Want to share handouts, worksheets, or other resources with your clients? This is the place! Upload as many files as you like, and clients will be able to access them inside the Client Portal (
You can use this feature to sell standalone digital downloads, or to include them in your coaching packages. Learn more about selling digital downloads on Paperbell here.
Access all of your package-specific links (plus client login and shop URL, which always stay the same) from this tab. You’ll also find your embedded calendar code.
- Package Landing Page
This is the URL of your package landing page. It is what you share with the world! Here’s more info on integrating Paperbell into your website and other marketing.
- Schedule Link
This link takes your prospect right into your “checkout flow,” whether that is payment first or scheduling first.
Use this link if you want to skip the package overview page. For example, maybe you’ve created your own package overview on your site and you want to use a “Buy Now” button that links straight into the scheduling/booking process. Use this link. Here’s more info on integrating Paperbell into your website and other marketing.
- Shop Page
This links to your Paperbell shop, an overview page with all publicly available packages.
- Existing Client Login
Looking for the link to send your clients so that they can access their downloads or schedule more appointments? This is it! Note that this is a universal link, as it’s not specific to any single package.
- Embedded Calendar (on the right side)
Copy and paste this into your website to embed the booking calendar for a specific package. Go here to learn exactly how to do this.
Clone a Package
To recreate the same package, just click “clone package.” This is handy if you want to change the appointment length or price of an existing package, but you already have clients signed up for that package.
Here’s the button to look for:
Delete a Package
You can pause a package that you don’t need listed on your shop page now, but might bring back one day.
Or, if you want to completely get rid of it, you can delete a package by clicking into the Summary tab, and then the “Remove package” button at the bottom of the page.